Thursday, April 7, 2011

Education and devaluation

For a long time now, the education system in our society has been based on the devaluation of the individual, rather than the development of their innate qualities.

Basically, traditional education is not particularly suited to the blossoming of the human being. We don’t learn to be individuals, or to love and accept ourselves for what we are, which is a being of divine essence with unlimited potential.

We are no longer aware of this, because we are taught the opposite, from generation to generation, from our earliest childhood. Children constantly hear: It’s like this or like that, you’re this or you’re that. A child, who is constantly told he is useless at maths will end up being just that.

We transmit our fears, doubts and beliefs to our children, usually without being aware of it, without giving them the chance to grow bigger than us, to have a vision of life that is greater than our own. To gain the love of adults, children renounce their own perceptions and their direct understanding of life, and end up by adopting our limitations.

Why do we find it so hard accept ourselves as we are?
Because, when we were children, we weren’t loved for ourselves. Despite all their good intentions, our parents loved a projection of themselves through us. They idealised us, wanting to « make a mini-me » which would reflect a pleasing and indulgent image of themselves.

The result is that the child tries to conform, to mould itself to this projection, to receive the love it needs, denying its own creative nature, its own individuality. Success in this attempt to « stick » to the projection of its parents will inevitably lead to a denial by the child of its true nature, and a deep internal disaccord.

If the child « fails », then it is not loved and accepted by its parents who expect « something else » from it, triggering self-doubt. In all events, the child doesn’t love itself as he or she really is.

Children gradually cut themselves off from their creative resources, from their powers of imagination and intuition, in other words, they are no longer able to receive messages from their Lucky Star.

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